Out of 3 daughters Mimi is our middle child, older sister Iza by 3 minutes and a younger sister Magi by 3 years. Mimi was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on August 12, 2009. After 2 years, 2 months and 26 days on November 6th, 2011 she took her last chemo pill and is considered OFF Treatment! This is our story of our journey through childhood cancer.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bump in the OT road.

OT as in Off Treatment.

Mimi has been sailing through doing really well, her blood draws have been fine she has been feeling great. All the girls have been loving school, playing sports, and dancing. We have had so many great adventures and keeping busy that I have kind of ignored the blog...

About two months ago Mimi started complaining of blurry vision, very random, no pattern to it. Sometimes it lasts a minute sometimes five. We met with an opthamologist who did not see anything wrong, as far as the eye is concerned everything looks perfect, but given her medical history asked to see her again in March.

Three weeks ago she said sometimes she feels like she is upside down, not dizzy, just upside down. Blurry vision is still an issue. Then came random fevers, headaches and leg pain. I am pretty sure any cancer mom reading this knows what I was feeling... Her counts came back looking like it might be viral. But all these strange symptoms are enough to schedule a contrast MRI of the brain and a lumbar puncture.

We scheduled both after spending an awesome long weekend at Camp Sunshine enjoying the winter wonderland in Maine. All of us reconnected with friends and made new ones, welcomed new families who have just started their journey on this never ending roller coaster of pediatric cancer and some that are still on it and are able to share their experiences. It is pretty amazing to be in a room full of people the GET IT, not only for me but even the kids.

So this is just a bump in the road. We are being proactive and ruling everything out. Mysterious Mimi likes to keep everyone on their toes.