Out of 3 daughters Mimi is our middle child, older sister Iza by 3 minutes and a younger sister Magi by 3 years. Mimi was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on August 12, 2009. After 2 years, 2 months and 26 days on November 6th, 2011 she took her last chemo pill and is considered OFF Treatment! This is our story of our journey through childhood cancer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Clinic Day.

Well finally Mimi's counts are not crazy, last week at the ER her WBC was something in the 8's. Today it was much less. She is back to her old self goofing off and running around like a monkey with her sisters. Speaking of MONKEYS we will be walking for the Children's Miracle Network once again this year on June 12th at Six Flags. For those that walked with us last year we hope you can make it out again and we also hope to see some new faces too!!! More details to come soon.

WBC - 2.8
Hgb - 11.6
Platelets - 249
Neutrophil - 1100

Oh and we are starting yet another antibiotic (Atovaquone 4mL daily), which only comes in liquid a very yellow liquid, amazingly she was able to keep it down! She has had a lot of issues taking liquid meds I was ready with a bucket but there was no need for it. Hopefully we won't have any issues with it.If we do there is another plan.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she's able to keep the liquid down, hope it stays that way! We can't wait to walk with you guys!
