Also Day 16 of fevers. Crazy. Still no known source either. I haven't really updated since there has not been much change. I know everyone is trying to do everything to figure this Mimi mystery out and I am very thankful to have such a wonderful team of Doctors, Nurses and everyone else involved in her care.
I joked today and said "Maybe she is just teething!" That used to be my answer to everything from the time the girls were 3 months old until they were 2 years old. I have to joke otherwise I think I would likely just lose my mind.
Her counts are okay, Chemo has been restarted back after being on hold for the last two weeks. Which was also making me nervous. She received her monthly Vincristine through her port and will start on about 50% doses of chemo (Mercaptopurine and Methotrexate) We will see how she handles that. No steroids this month. She is feeling okay but her energy level and appetite is definitely lower. Although having two energetic sisters is like a little energy pill for her she keeps up with them for a bit but knows when to go and take a nap.
This afternoon she had an echo cardiogram done to see if anything might be found. She fell asleep during it so the technician was able to get some really good images. She falls asleep during every ultrasound I think it is the low light and the noise of the computer. We should get some results tomorrow. There are a couple of tests that were done for things like cat scratch disease, salmonella and a ton of others, some have come back and are negative others we are waiting on results. I have learned about a whole lot of viruses the past couple of days.
Counts 8/31/11
WBC 4.03
HGB 9.5
PLT 250
Neutrophil 2170