Out of 3 daughters Mimi is our middle child, older sister Iza by 3 minutes and a younger sister Magi by 3 years. Mimi was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on August 12, 2009. After 2 years, 2 months and 26 days on November 6th, 2011 she took her last chemo pill and is considered OFF Treatment! This is our story of our journey through childhood cancer.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


A new found love for finger painting.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All girls at Home.

I did not have to explain to Iza why she had to go to school and Mimi did not because Iza ended up with a fever Monday night so all the girls have been home. Iza has been really funny at night the fevers are causing her to have full our conversations while she is sleeping. Tuesday night she was chasing someone in the hallway, she got me out of bed to help her, it was more of a nightmare but she laughed about it in the morning. Last night she kept talking about taking pictures at Sea World, Disney and something about ketchup.

They are not too miserable but since Iza's fever has been coming and going Since Monday night I have kept her home, Magi is stuffy and sneezy, Mimi on the other hand has been the healthiest of them all. She has been reading books to Iza and Magi, playing Uno, Go Fish, writing notes. So learning is still happening even though they are not in school.

They are getting a vacation before their school vacation.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Yes. It has been a while, almost a year. But it decided to creep up on us Sunday night. Mimi went from fine to all sorts of pain and fever in about an hour. Her biggest complaint was her leg she could not walk on it, I remember this happened last year during fevers also. It took me a minute to find my thermometer which read 100.7, while I was dialing the on-call Onc. it kept going up higher. She was miserable at home and the drive there but perked right up with Tylenol and Kyle "the man with the crafts and movies." She had a pretty good night we both slept through all the vitals, I made sure they actually came in because I did not remember and neither did Mimi.

In the morning she seemed fine and then fever came back again, 102.9, came down with Tylenol but as soon it was wearing off fever was back. She spent the day taking cat naps, seeing some friends, making crafts. Her blood counts were not terribly low so that was not a concern. At some point in the morning she had a flu swab, a tiny q-tip in the nose, she was not a fan. Results showed she in face did have the flu so we had the option to stay another night or go home with a box of Tamiflu. Mimi chose home sweet home!

Her chemo is on hold, so for now we will just do the Tamiflu and Tylenol as needed for fever. Spinal Tap has been rescheduled. Also no school, which is really hard for Iza because "that is NOT fair!"

Magi had a lovely date day with Daddy she keeps telling me she wants to go on dates all the time, I am not sure if Dan knows what he started... She went to the mall, got her hair trimmed, picked out valentine gifts for everyone and also had lunch.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Wish List for Camp Sunshine.

In the mail this week we got a newsletter from Camp Sunshine. The girls were interested in the stories most of them were about all the donations the camp receives. On the back of the newsletter was the camp's wish list. Both girls decided they want to use their money and buy some things on the list and drive it to camp.

We will be shopping this week and filling a box of arts and crafts supplies, birthday candles, stickers and whatever else the girls think of. If anyone else would like to contribute to our Wish List box for Camp Sunshine let us know :)

What the girls DON'T know yet is that the week of Winter Vacation they WILL be going to Camp Sunshine for the winter session. I have not told them yet so far I have been able to keep it a secret. I can't wait to see their faces when they find out. They have been asking to go back almost daily, they wished it while they blew out their birthday candles and even asked Santa!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Happenings.

Since Christmas there has not been a full week of school. I am hoping that this week will be a full week, that the letter of the week "D" gets a full five days, and that we can return to our regular scheduled chaos.

We have been quite busy, reason why had no time to update. We have all enjoyed the snow, yes I said WE ALL. I think I like it more this year because I am not watching it from the hospital windows like we were last year. So fat this year we took full advantage of the cold New England outdoors as well as the the craft closet indoors.

Last week Mimi has a clinic visit for counts, on the worst snow day, we figured if the awesome nurses can get there so can we! Clinic went well Mimi's counts did not change much since last time ANC was 1400. She is still on 50% of her dosage of her daily Mercaptopurine. We go back on the 15th for a spinal tap, I did not tell Mimi yet since last time she spent two weeks looking at the calendar being upset about it. We will just focus on Valentine's Day for now!

Our Snow Happenings in Pictures...

We melted crayons into hearts.
Nice to keep little hands busy peeling wrapping off the crayons.

The girls made a three layer cake for Chris & Meg's 1st wedding anniversary.
The were very excited to play Cake Boss.
Newspapers in the making. This one they came up on their own to stall bedtime before yet another snow day they stayed up making newspapers out of newspapers.

Sledding!!! Magi's first time and she loved every second, she is a dare devil just like her sisters.

Iza and I walked out to the fresh deep snow and made a giant heart path.

This is a hawk. Something we usually don't see outside of out kitchen window. We watched him have his lunch this day it was pretty amazing, although it was "just a bird eating a bird" to the three year olds.