Out of 3 daughters Mimi is our middle child, older sister Iza by 3 minutes and a younger sister Magi by 3 years. Mimi was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on August 12, 2009. After 2 years, 2 months and 26 days on November 6th, 2011 she took her last chemo pill and is considered OFF Treatment! This is our story of our journey through childhood cancer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Mimi was admitted to the hospital in the middle of the night after she woke up screaming in pain. We got to the hospital 15 minutes after she woke up in pain, the pain still remains a mystery, it was lower back pain and lower left pain. She also spiked a fever of 101.8.

She got blood draws, chest x-ray and urine sample taken.

After some pain meds she got some sleep and is fine this morning.

Besides the Hgb they are all pretty low.

WBC - 2.7
Hgb - 13.7
Platelets - 97
Neutrophil - 200

I will keep updating as I know more. The Hair Fairy DID come and Toto (aka Uncle Victor) brought the bag of goodies she has left behind.

I just swapped with Dan he is with Mimi while I am here to shower and play with the girls for a bit before I go back.

Mimi's chest x-ray came back and it is negative for pneumonia and bronchitis. She has been fever free since she got the Tylenol at around 1am this morning. She is not complaining of any pain and the pain in her back and leg has not been back, still a mystery... Next up is x-ray of her sinuses to check for any infection there (sinusitis.) Other than just being tired she is acting okay, watching Wizard of Oz AND sporting a Hungry Caterpillar Tattoo on her head! Of course there will be a picture coming, she has already asked me to bring the camera to the hospital.

Thank you everyone for the email and phone hugs :)

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