Not Bad. Just LONG.Today was Day 1 of 57 of Standard Delayed Intensification
First off I forgot to put on the Emla (numbing cream) I let Mimi sleep in so she would not have to be awake and hungry for too long. No worries that got taken care of when we got there. Next were counts, they were good. But since Mimi still has a cough and the Onc. thought he heard a "crackle" she was sent for a chest X-ray which came back quickly and negative Yey! So off to the procedure room we went (with a visitor - Kate :) Mimi perked up a bit for that) She was a bit nervous before the anaesthesia but went to sleep calmly. She got Inrathecal Methotrexate. I was nothing BUT calm, I hate sitting waiting in the waiting room, I watch the door and anxiously await the nurses to come get me when she is in the recovery room. She woke up pretty quickly today abut was very out of it for a while since she got Morphine today during her procedure, which is now making her funny, literally funny she is sitting next to me while I write this and is making up jokes that I need to type so Nana can read them :) After the Spinal, we went back upstairs to the clinic for the rest of the chemo (Doxorubicin). She is pretty tired now. We will just hang out watching movies tonight. Tonight we also start Dexamethasone (steroid) for 7 days.
A Joke from Mimi:
Knock Knock.
Who is there?
There is an orange on your head.
There is a plant growing on your head.
And that is it.
Thanks Meg and Eryn for a fun Sleep Over!!! G-Force! love, MIMI IZA
Today's Counts
WBC - 5.5
Hgb - 13.3
Platelets - 246
Neutrophil - 2300
I'm glad everything went ok. I'll call you sometime tomorrow, I won't bug you now that I know she's good :)